Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 and Bluetooth Mesh Lighting Control

Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 and Bluetooth Mesh Lighting Control

NLC Innovations Will Be Discovered with Webinar

Bluetooth, the pioneer of the technology world, is organizing a webinar to present its latest updates and innovations. For those who are curious about the new features that come with the Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 specification and the Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control (NLC) standard, this webinar offers an opportunity not to be missed.

Speaker and Guide:

The speaker for this special seminar will be Omkar Kulkarni, Vice President of the Bluetooth Mesh Working Group at the Bluetooth SIG and a Bluetooth Mesh expert. Kulkarni will guide attendees on the latest developments and security improvements of Bluetooth Mesh 1.1, while also introducing NLC profiles. The seminar will cover technical and practical aspects and will appeal to everyone from developers to engineers, from product owners to anyone interested in the benefits that NLC brings to the industry.

Agenda of the Seminar:

What's New in Bluetooth Mesh: Overview
Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 Updates
New Features and Enhancements: Device Firmware Update, Remote Provisioning and More
Security Improvements
Additional Features
Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control (NLC)
New Lighting Control Standardization: Introduction to the Concept
NLC Profiles Walkthrough
Bluetooth Mesh in nRF Connect SDK

Seminar Date and Times:

Date: September 27
9 CEST / 3 PM CST (Asia)
6 PM CEST / 9 PM PDT / 12 PM EDT

Seminar Duration:
The webinar will last 45 minutes in total, followed by a live Q&A session for 15 minutes.

9 CEST / 3 PM CST (Asia)
6 PM CEST / 9 PM PDT / 12 PM EDT

Link : Walkthrough Bluetooth Mesh 1.1 and Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control (NLC) -