Webinar: Microcontroller Security and STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager

Webinar: Microcontroller Security and STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager

Today, when security in microcontrollers means the protection of embedded firmware, data and system functions, developers must adapt to rapidly evolving security standards and quickly integrate critical protections. Security covers an area of increasing number and complexity of challenges.

This webinar is an opportunity to discover solutions that will transform your security journey. ST has taken a pioneering step in security by offering its trusted execution environment (TEE) solution on the STM32H32 MCU, called STM5Trust TEE Secure Manager. Offering security services based on best practices to developers, this solution simplifies the process of writing and validating their own code.

STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager provides security services that comply with Arm® PSA specifications such as secure boot, root of trust, initial authentication and software IP protection. In this way, developers aiming to achieve SESIP and PSA Level 3 certifications can accelerate their processes. Secure Manager is available as an easily downloadable software package.

Webinar content:

STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager and the security services it provides
Getting started guide with STM5Trust TEE Secure Manager on STM32H32 MCU
Using Secure Manager for software IP protection
Session plan: Introduction to security services, hands-on demo and Q&A
Seminar results and summary

Webinar: Simplify your security journey with the STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager solution - STMicroelectronics