Electronic Circuit with NTC- Temperature Sensor
Electronic Circuit with NTC- Temperature Sensor
Electronic Circuit with NTC- Temperature Sensor

Electronic Circuit with NTC- Temperature Sensor

NTC is a circuit element whose resistance changes according to temperature. This circuit we will make using NTC- is similar to the previous LDR circuit. NTCs are produced in different resistance values. The NTC we will use in this application is 10K ohms.

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When the temperature increases, the resistance value of the NTC decreases and the VBE voltage of the BC547 transistor also decreases. Therefore, the collector current also decreases and the LED turns off.

Where can this circuit be used? It can be used to cut the current of another circuit when the temperature rises. For example, if we are designing a fire alarm, this circuit can be added as an additional circuit. Any environment; for example, it can be used to measure the temperature of a motor and to cut a current with a relay after a certain temperature.