ESPRESSIF  Announces ESP32-P4

ESPRESSIF Announces ESP32-P4

A high performance MCU

Espressif has announced its new product equipped with powerful features. The RISC-V dual-core processor, whose speed can go up to 400 MHz, is the first remarkable feature. This processor supports AI functions. In addition, it has a 40 MHz LP processor. This LP processor takes over the load of other small pieces of work and processing when the main CPU is heavily loaded.

In addition to the cache, the CPU has an additional 768KB of SRAM available. It also has an 8 KB TCM RAM where critical codes that need to be processed quickly can be held.

The second distinctive feature set in the new product is security-related ones.
Strong security features are at the heart of the ESP32-P4. Secure Boot, Flash Encryption, encryption accelerators, etc. It provides all the necessary components to keep the device safe and reliable.

The latest security-related feature is similar to the digital signature-certificate applications used in web servers. With the help of the Digital Signature Peripheral and a dedicated Key Management Unit, the ESP32-P4 ensures that private keys are generated in the SoC itself and are not compromised by any software or any physical attack in plain text.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence and IoT applications are increasing, ESP32-P4 also offers new features for the human-machine interface. ESP32-P4, which hosts a high-resolution camera interface and display interface, also supports image compression protocols.

The new product, which also includes capacitive touch input units and speech detection units, can be seen as the reason for preference for HMI-based applications.

It has more GPIOs than Espressif SoCs to date. The number of GPIOs is over 50. ESP32-P4 supports all commonly used peripherals such as SPI, I2S, I2C, LED PWM, MCPWM, RMT, ADC, DAC, UART and TWAITM. In addition, the ESP32-P4 supports USB OTG 2.0 HS, Ethernet and SDIO Host 3.0 for high-speed connectivity.

If a wireless connection is to be used in the applications, it can be easily connected to any product of the ESP32-C/S/H series as a wireless auxiliary chip via SPI/SDIO/UART using ESP-Hosted or ESP-AT options.