Frequently used units in electronics
Volt (V): It is the unit used to measure the electrical potential difference or voltage.
Ampere (A): It is the unit used to measure the intensity of electric current.
Ohm (Ω): It is the unit used to measure electrical resistance.
Farad (F): It is the unit used to measure the capacitance of an electric charge.
Henry (H): It is the unit used to measure the inductance of a coil.
Watt (W): Used as a unit of power and is the product of voltage and amperage.
Hertz (Hz): It is the unit of wave frequency, it indicates the number of waves per second.
Joule (J): Used as a unit of energy and expressed in watt-seconds.
Celsius (°C): Used as a unit of temperature and is measured relative to the absolute zero point of -273.15 degrees.
Decibel (dB): The unit by which sound or signal strength is measured, and is usually expressed in logarithmic terms.
These units are the most basic units used for the design, analysis and measurement of electrical and electronic circuits.