STM32 Artificial Intelligence Solutions-Live Webinar
Give your edge AI model a performance increase with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and
STM32 artificial intelligence solutions
Edge AI plays an important role in markets by increasing new application possibilities. However, for edge AI solutions to reach their true potential, developers need user-friendly solutions that match the complexity of working with machine learning algorithms.
Today, many edge AI applications running on MCUs cannot reach production and commercial deployment due to a lack of flexibility and reliability. Embedded developers cannot easily and quickly build, test, and deploy machine learning algorithms on MCUs.
The one-hour webinar by experts from ST and NVIDIA will provide key insights into integrating AI into MCUs and feature live Q&A.
The webinar will show how to deploy edge AI algorithms that can successfully run on an STM32 MCU, starting from a complex and memory-intensive neural network. By using the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, the memory footprint will be reduced by 32 times and the application will be made more efficient.
Participants will learn how to build edge AI applications from scratch and run them on STM32 within an hour. They will also learn to build edge AI applications using their own neural network models, datasets, and embedded software application codes.
With this webinar session, participants will learn about:
About ST's ecosystem for deploying edge AI in MCUs
How to train, adapt, and optimize neural network models with the NVIDIA TAO tool
How ST and NVIDIA tools improve edge AI performance on STM32 MCUs and outperform other solutions
How these tools enhance existing applications and make edge AI accessible to everyone
How to easily get started with ST and NVIDIA AI ecosystem
This session is suitable for engineers who have a basic knowledge of AI and neural networks and have worked with data science frameworks and file formats. It will also be helpful for participants who are interested in and looking for solutions to the challenges and limitations of deploying ML/AI in MCUs.
The webinar will cover topics such as the industry state, ST edge AI solutions, and the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, and provide a practical demo of a person detection use case to be implemented on the STM100 MCU.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
► 15:00 CEST | EMEA session
► 02:00 EDT | America session