Search : sensor
Companies that produce solutions for IoT applications
Digital Flies Everywhere
What else could happen in a world with artificially intelligent flies and other animals?
Rohm Semiconductor
Rohm Semiconductor's innovative products include LEDs, power chips, microcontrollers, sensors and other semiconductor devices.
What is FPGA?
What is FPGA? What are the differences with the CPU? How is it programmed? What applications are FPGAs used in?
Robotic Coding and STEM Trainings
Educational resources on STEM and Robotic coding
Cloud Computing and IoT Applications
Overview of cloud computing and IoT concepts
Nordic Semiconductor Announces nRF54 Series
New SoC Product, nRF54H20
Overview of Flexible LED matrix Displays
What is flexible led display?
Comparing Smart Tags
Smart tag products, features and product comparisons
How can a digital sphygmomanometer be made?
Developing Medical Devices
Controlling Wifi Devices with Flutter-Dart
Control of remote devices with Android apps, Wifi-based control applications
Writing Applications that control Electronic Devices with...
Controlling Electronic Devices remotely
Data Science and Electronics
Data science and electronics interest
Robot Technologies from Quality and Control processes
How to ensure quality and sustainability by using proven cobot technology in quality control?
A BlueTooth-controlled Android App to Measure Heart Rate
An application related to biomedical devices: Measuring heartbeats
What is IMU Sensor?
IMU Sensor