Tag : Arduino IDE
ESP32-S2 and ESP32 S2 Mini V1.0.0 Development Board
ESP32-S2 is a powerful microcontroller chip developed by Espressif Systems; low power consumption, ideal for Wi-Fi supported IoT projects....
ESP32-C3 DIY Super Mini Electronic Development Board
Speed up your IoT projects with the ESP32-C3 DIY SuperMini Development Board. Compact, powerful and low power consumption
ESP32-C3FH4: Ultra-Low Power Consumption WiFi and Bluetooth...
Technical information and Arduino code example about ESP32-C3FH4. An ideal chip for your IoT projects with low power consumption,...
LoRa Technology
LoRa Technology is a communication technology that is used for long distance wireless communication and does not depend on the internet....
What is Arduino Mega 2560?
A comprehensive article on the Arduino Mega 2560. The technical features, application areas and usage potential of Arduino Mega 2560...
Arduino Pro Mini Review
Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V - 8 MHz - Atmega328 is a small-sized microcontroller board with low power consumption. It features 14 digital...
WeMos D1 WiFi Arduino Uno ESP8266 Control Board ESP-12E
WeMos D1 WiFi Arduino Uno ESP8266 Control Board ESP-12E is the perfect control board for IoT projects. Offering features such as Wi-Fi...
ESP32 Lite V1.0.0 Rev1 Review
A development board specifically designed for use in IoT projects