GSM and WiFi Connected Industrial Controller for Industrial...
ESP32-WROOM32 based GSM and WiFi connected controller for industrial environments. Ideal for IoT gateways, data transmission and MQTT...
ESP-WROOM-32 and ESP-IDF are a Real-Time Operating System...
ESP-WROOM-32 and ESP-IDF are also included in the system (RTOS). VSCode, PlatformIO and C++ code for ESP32 IoT projects.
Reading Data from DHT-11 Sensors and HTTP Server Using...
Embedded System Programming with ESP32-WROOM-32, ESP-IDF, C++
Guide to Becoming an Embedded System Expert
Guide to Becoming an Embedded System Expert with ESP32 Modules! Build your knowledge and skills with basic electronics, programming,...
What is ESP-IDF?
ESP-IDF is a powerful IoT software development framework developed by Espressif Systems. Offers low-level control and expandability...
ESP32-C3FH4: Ultra-Low Power Consumption WiFi and Bluetooth...
Technical information and Arduino code example about ESP32-C3FH4. An ideal chip for your IoT projects with low power consumption,...