One day, an alien robot comes to town...

One day, an alien robot comes to town...

Google is working on a new artificial intelligence model for garbage-collecting robots, and with it, it explains that different artificial intelligence models can be developed for various purposes. That is, artificial intelligence models are no longer just imitating human behavior, but are also becoming usable in different fields of expertise.

Regarding the development of artificial intelligence, some explanations are needed about "Artificial Intelligence", which is one of the popular topics of today. Artificial intelligence is a multiple technology that can be used for many different applications and designed for various purposes. For example, one AI model might mimic the behavior of a dog, while another AI model might take on the functions of a chemist scientist.

However, an interesting issue is this: Is it possible for several AI models to come together to form a higher level AI model? This potential possibility is worth considering.

What I really want to focus on is when robots will really come into our lives. Some might say that robots already exist in our lives, but it will actually take some time and a level of perception to perceive them as humans. For example, when we go out tomorrow, seeing terminator-like robots pretending to be walking robots may bother many. It takes more time and getting used to in order to reach this level of perception.

Google's efforts to develop scavenger robots are an important step in the integration of robots into our social lives. Although these robots are not yet used, it is thought that in the future, robots can interact with humans more closely and become a part of our lives.

But no matter how powerful artificial intelligence a robot is equipped with, it is clear that it cannot completely replace a human. It is known that people can develop and change in many aspects such as intelligence, psychology, genetics. Therefore, we do not have certain information about how people's abilities and characteristics will be shaped in the future.

As a result, it is possible that in the future an alien robot will come to the city. This robot may be programmed to contain surprising and meaningful information for humans. This can be an interesting and exciting experience for people. With the advancement of artificial intelligence and robot technology, it is certain that our lives will change and develop even more. However, in this process of change, how people's relations with technology will be shaped is an important issue and should be handled carefully.


Related news:

Google Robots are Trained to Collect Garbage 

About Umit Sonmez : Electronic Computer Educator

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