Data Science and Electronics
Data science and electronics interest
Wireless charging solutions for wearables and industrial...
Wireless charging solutions- Webinar
Application to Control Led Matrix Panel with Android Phone...
Led Panel-Bluetooth Apps
Projects with Wifi Module
Wifi module settings
Controlling multiple devices with Android phone
Android Apps with Bluetooth
DC Motor Speed Control by Android phone
Android Mobil Apps
Controlling 8 LEDs with Android phone
Android apps with Bluetooth Module
Robot Technologies from Quality and Control processes
How to ensure quality and sustainability by using proven cobot technology in quality control?
Millivolt Net Youtube Channel
Electronic training videos
A BlueTooth-controlled Android App to Measure Heart Rate
An application related to biomedical devices: Measuring heartbeats
Measuring DC Volts with Android Phone - Voltmeter
Converting an old tablet computer to a voltmeter (with bluetooth)
How to make a night light with Bluetooth control and three...
A practical and inexpensive night light design with Bluetooth control
Measuring resistance by phone to Android
Measuring resistance by phone to Android( with Flutter-Dart)
220 Volt Lamp On-Off Application with Bluetooth
A bluetooth application made with Flutter-Dart codes
Electronic Organ Construction with HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Electronic organ design with the program written with Flutter-Dart codes