Free IoT Platforms Used for Educational Purposes
Free IoT Platforms review for new learners and experimental workers
Reading the Weather Using the GSM Module Connected to the...
How to make weather reading application with GSM module
Using the GSM Module for Internet Connection
Connecting to the internet with AT commands via GSM card
Designing an IoT System
Designing an IoT system for personal and business
The Chip is the Oil of the New Age: Transformation Powered...
Technical writings of Artificial Intelligence Robot, technology, electronics, software, new economic power
Ways to Make Money by Building an IoT Platform
Technological new business models on IoT platforms
Using ESP32-S3 with Other Hardware and Design
ESP32-S3 Published Design Documents
New Energy Solutions with Powerline PLC & Metrology
Rapid changes in the energy sector, webinar
Onomondo ApS
Onomondo's platform, management of all IoT devices
Software SIM for low-power cellular IoT: Nordic Semiconductor...
Onomonde and Nordic collaboration
Writing Code to Artificial Intelligence
An attempt to write code with artificial intelligence; MQTT application
What is a sensor? What is a transducer?
Types of sensors, types of transducers and their uses
Tuya Smart Technology
TUYA operates as a platform provider for smart home technologies
What is IR LED?
Basic information and applications about IR LEDs, which are very common in electronic systems.
What is MOSFET?
Basic information about MOSFET, usage areas
Universal Robots
Robot manufacturer companies, Universal Robots