The Use of Robots in the Welding Industry Webinar
The light, medium and heavy industry welding sector is an industrial sector known for its harsh conditions. Metal-mechanical welding processes are naturally abrasive and a heavy workload depending on the conditions.
As in every sector, the development of robot technology; brings automation in every field. Robots, which are included in every stage of the production process, provide advantages such as bringing time and economic gains.
Cobot, which offers robot solutions applicable in many production sectors, continues to promote industrial applicability with webinars. A training activity on the applications of collaborative robots in the welding sector will also take place soon.
Persons working at all levels in the sector are invited to the training on the use of Cobots in the welding sector, with their ability to integrate quickly into different sectors, their durability in narrow and difficult conditions, and their easy programmability.
Interested persons can register online. Topics to be covered in Universal Robots' Webinar are as follows:
Contributions of collaborative robots-Cobot to the welding field,
Sample applications in the field of welding,
Answering questions from participants.
The webinar history is as follows:
December 22, 2022,
11:00 am
Collaborative industrial robot arms – Cobots from Universal Robots (