Transistor, Diode, Capacitor and Resistor Measurement with DSO-TC3
We continue the measurement process with DSO-TC3. We mentioned in our introduction that many measurements can be made with this very useful device.
In this article, we will see how to measure and test a group of electronic elements.
Below is our video about measurement-testing of circuit elements:
There is a ZIF socket where different electronic circuit elements can be placed via DSO-TC3. This ZIF socket consists of two parts: Circuit elements can be connected to this socket, which is divided into two parts as ”KAA” part and “123” part.
In the “KAA” part, diodes can be measured. In the "123" section, transistors, capacitors, resistors and coil measurements can be made.
When we connect a transistor to the “123” part for transistor measurements; DSO-TC3 can automatically find the emitter, collector and base ends of the transistor.
We used the following circuit elements for measurement trials:
Diodes: 1N4148, 1N4004, 1N270
Transistors: BC237, BC547, 2SC3355
Circuit elements: 22 microfarad capacitor, 3.3 K resistor
We can see “hfe”, “Ic current” and “Vbe” values in transistor measurements.
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