Search : Arduino
Collecting Data from Multiple Sensors - 74HC4067
This article examines the use of the 74HC4067 chip and its capabilities to collect data from multiple sensors. The 74HC4067 is an...
Arduino Pro Mini Review
Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V - 8 MHz - Atmega328 is a small-sized microcontroller board with low power consumption. It features 14 digital...
WeMos D1 WiFi Arduino Uno ESP8266 Control Board ESP-12E
WeMos D1 WiFi Arduino Uno ESP8266 Control Board ESP-12E is the perfect control board for IoT projects. Offering features such as Wi-Fi...
ESP32 Lite V1.0.0 Rev1 Review
A development board specifically designed for use in IoT projects
What is Arduino Nano?
Arduino Nano White Paper
What is NFC? What are the Application Areas?
NFC details, usage areas, application example
Free IoT Platforms Used for Educational Purposes
Free IoT Platforms review for new learners and experimental workers
Reading the Weather Using the GSM Module Connected to the...
How to make weather reading application with GSM module
Designing an IoT System
Designing an IoT system for personal and business
Ways to Make Money by Building an IoT Platform
Technological new business models on IoT platforms
Writing Code to Artificial Intelligence
An attempt to write code with artificial intelligence; MQTT application
What is a sensor? What is a transducer?
Types of sensors, types of transducers and their uses
Robotic Coding and STEM Trainings
Educational resources on STEM and Robotic coding
How can a digital sphygmomanometer be made?
Developing Medical Devices
Controlling Wifi Devices with Flutter-Dart
Control of remote devices with Android apps, Wifi-based control applications
Controlling multiple devices with Android phone
Android Apps with Bluetooth