Tag : bluetooth
How can a digital sphygmomanometer be made?
Developing Medical Devices
Writing Applications that control Electronic Devices with...
Controlling Electronic Devices remotely
Application to Control Led Matrix Panel with Android Phone...
Led Panel-Bluetooth Apps
Controlling multiple devices with Android phone
Android Apps with Bluetooth
DC Motor Speed Control by Android phone
Android Mobil Apps
Controlling 8 LEDs with Android phone
Android apps with Bluetooth Module
A BlueTooth-controlled Android App to Measure Heart Rate
An application related to biomedical devices: Measuring heartbeats
Measuring DC Volts with Android Phone - Voltmeter
Converting an old tablet computer to a voltmeter (with bluetooth)
How to make a night light with Bluetooth control and three...
A practical and inexpensive night light design with Bluetooth control
Measuring resistance by phone to Android
Measuring resistance by phone to Android( with Flutter-Dart)
220 Volt Lamp On-Off Application with Bluetooth
A bluetooth application made with Flutter-Dart codes
Electronic Organ Construction with HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Electronic organ design with the program written with Flutter-Dart codes
Led Control Application with HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Led Control with Android Phone-Flutter
Use of HM-10, HC-06 and HC-05 Bluetooth Modules in IoT...
Use of HM-10, HC-06 and HC-05 Bluetooth Modules
Nordic Semiconductor General Information
semiconductor company