Category : What is it?
LoRa Technology
LoRa Technology is a communication technology that is used for long distance wireless communication and does not depend on the internet....
What is Arduino Mega 2560?
A comprehensive article on the Arduino Mega 2560. The technical features, application areas and usage potential of Arduino Mega 2560...
Collecting Data from Multiple Sensors - 74HC4067
This article examines the use of the 74HC4067 chip and its capabilities to collect data from multiple sensors. The 74HC4067 is an...
What is NFC? What are the Application Areas?
NFC details, usage areas, application example
USB (Universal Serial Bus) Standards
Technical review of USB ports
What is a sensor? What is a transducer?
Types of sensors, types of transducers and their uses
What is IR LED?
Basic information and applications about IR LEDs, which are very common in electronic systems.
What is MOSFET?
Basic information about MOSFET, usage areas
What is PSK (Phase Shift Keying)?
What are the modulation types? Overview of the PSK modulation concept
What is FPGA?
What is FPGA? What are the differences with the CPU? How is it programmed? What applications are FPGAs used in?
What is Frequency Shift Modulation (FSK)?
In this article, we basically explain FSK, which is one of the modulation types.
What is PCB?
PCB Manufacturing, Design
What is a diode? What are its types and uses?
Basic electronics information, diodes, usage areas of diodes
Button Cell Types and Standards
Button Battery types and standards
What are the Modulation Types?
Frequencies and modulations
Resistor Color Codes
resistor colors, measuring resistance, circuit elements